PT NewQuest Geotechnology, as the concern of helping partners in better exploring the earth resources, also provides professional training or in-house training course. Professional training course will be scheduled, while professional in-house training course can be requested.
The available themes that can be requested for professional in-house training course are:
- Geothermal System and Exploration Technology
- Magnetotelluric-Time Domain Electromagnetic Method Training
- Gravity Method for Geothermal Exploration Training
- MEQ Method Training
- Geothermal Regulation and Tender Preparation

This training course will provide comprehensive knowledge regarding the geothermal system and geoscience (geology, geochemistry and geophysics) technology for exploring the geothermal resources. Well targeting and drilling prognosis are also included to the discussion. Emphasis will be put on how to do the proper geoscientifical exploration so that the drilling risk ratio can be decreased. The knowledge will be set on beginner level.
This training course will provide comprehensive knowledge about Magnetotelluric and Time Domain Electromagnetic method and its powerfulness in exploring geothermal resources. The discussion will be about the fundamental concept, data acquisition, processing, modeling and interpretation. Emphasis will be put on how to properly apply the method in geothermal exploration in order to obtain the less-ambiguous subsurface condition. The knowledge will be set on intermediate level.
This training course will provide comprehensive knowledge about gravity method, including fundamental concept, data acquisition, processing, modeling and interpretation. Emphasis will be put on proper gravity method for geothermal exploration. The knowledge will be set on intermediate level.
This training course will provide comprehensive knowledge about Micro-Earthquake method, MEQ method, including fundamental concept, data acquisition, processing, modeling and interpretation. Emphasis will be put on proper MEQ method for geothermal exploration and monitoring. The knowledge will be set on intermediate level.
This training course will provide comprehensive knowledge about the regulation that rule the geothermal development and also how to prepare the tender process for both of the government who open the tender and also the developer who participate on the tender process.