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A Kurniawan, Y Daud, M A Tifani, N Latuconsina and F Maulana., (2020) “Interpretation of surface geological conditions based on Landsat-8 data, DEM and field geological data in the Tulehu geothermal prospect area, Maluku Province". IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.
A Sulistyo and Yunus Daud., (2020) “Delineating geothermal system through 3D geomagnetic and gravity data inversion on Blawan Ijen geothermal area, East Java". IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.
Yunus Daud, Wambra Aswo Nuqramadha, Fikri Fahmi, Rhyno Senbyla Sesesega, Surya Aji Pratama, Arif Munandar., (2020) “Resistivity characterization of the Arjuno-Welirang volcanic geothermal system (Indonesia) through 3-D Magnetotelluric inverse modeling". Journal of Asian Earth Sciences.
Yunus Daud, Agus Sulistyo, Fikri Fahmi, Wambra Aswo Nuqramadha, Rhyno Senbyla Sesesega, Syamsu Rosid, Gesang Panggrahito Pati, Muhamad Riziq Maulana, Mufidatul Khoiroh, Khalif Radhiyya Rahman, Wisnu Subroto., (2019) “First horizontal derivative and Euler Deconvolution in application for reconstructing structural signature over the Blawan-Ijen Geothermal area". IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.
Daud, Y., Nuqramadha, W.A., Fahmi, F., Pratama, S.A., Rahman, K. R., Subroto, W., (2017). “Discovering “Hidden” Geothermal Reservoir in Blawan-Ijen Geothermal Area (Indonesia) Using 3-D Inversion of MT Data". The 1st Geo Electromagnetic Workshop (Geo-EM), Bandung, Indonesia, 20-24 Februari, 2017.
Daud, Y., Rosid, S., Nuqramadha, W.A., Fikri, F., Lestari, A.I., Liati, L., Armando, A., Putranto, T.W., Ruslita, F.M., (2017). “Imaging Reservoir Structure of Mt. Pancar Geothermal Prospect Using Audio-Frequency Magnetotelluric (AMT) and Gravity Technology”. Proceedings 42nd Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering Stanford University, Stanford, California, 13-15 Februari, 2017 SGP-TR-212.
Liati, D., Sulistyo, A., Nuqramadha, W.A., Daud, Y., (2016). “Study of Static Shift Correction for Magnetotelluric (MT) Data Using Averaging and CoKriging Methods upon 3-Dimensional Forward Model of Geothermal Field”. Proceedings Indonesia International Geothermal Convention and Exhibition 2016, Jakarta Convention Center, Indonesia, 10-12 Augustus, 2016.
Lestari, A.I., Nuqramadha, W.A., Fahmi, F., Daud, Y., (2016). “Interpretation of Magnetotelluric Profile Data Using Multidimensional Inversion”. Proceedings Indonesia International Geothermal Convention and Exhibition 2016, Jakarta Convention Center, Indonesia, 10-12 Augustus, 2016.
Pratama, S. A., Daud, Y., Fahmi, F., Darusman, C.A., (2015). “Integrated Analysis of Magnetotelluric and Gravity Data for Delineating Reservoir Zone at Patuha Geothermal Field, West Java”. Proceedings Indonesia International Geothermal Convention and Exhibition 2015, Jakarta Convention Center, Indonesia, 19-21 Augustus, 2015.
Nuqramadha, W.A., Daud, Y., Fahmi, F., Zarkasyi, A., Sugiyanto, A., Suhanto, E., (2015). “Analysis of Subsurface Geological Structure Using Magnetotelluric Data”. Proceedings Indonesia International Geothermal Convention and Exhibition 2015, Jakarta Convention Center, Indonesia, 19-21 Augustus, 2015.
Fahmi, F., Daud, Y., Suwardi, B.N., Zarkasyi, A., Sugiyanto, A., Suhanto, E., (2015). “3-D Inversion of Magnetotelluric Data in Kepahiang Geothermal System, Bengkulu”. Proceedings Indonesia International Geothermal Convention and Exhibition 2015, Jakarta Convention Center, Indonesia, 19-21 Augustus, 2015.
Sulistyo, A., Daud, Y., Ningsih, N.U., (2015). “Comparison Between Geostatistical (Cokriging and Averaging) Methods and Time Domain Electromagnetic (TDEM) Method for Static Shift Correction of Magnetotelluric (MT) Data”. Proceedings Indonesia International Geothermal Convention and Exhibition 2015, Jakarta Convention Center, Indonesia, 19-21 Augustus, 2015.
Adhawiyah, D.R., Daud, Y., Atmojo, J.P., (2015). “Modeling of Geothermal System at Sibayak Field Using TOUGH2 and iTOUGH2 Simulator”. Proceedings Indonesia International Geothermal Convention and Exhibition 2015, Jakarta Convention Center, Indonesia, 19-21 Augustus, 2015.
Martasari, R.D., Daud, Y., Tarmidi, S., (2015). “Optimizing Remote Sensing Data for Guiding Geothermal Exploration". Proceedings Indonesia International Geothermal Convention and Exhibition 2015, Jakarta Convention Center, Indonesia, 19-21 Augustus, 2015.
Ismail, M.L., Heditama, D.M., Dewi, R., Daud, Y., Nuqramadha, W.A., (2015). “Noise Elimination Technique in Magnetotelluric Data Using Digital Filter and Time Series Data Selection". Proceedings Indonesia International Geothermal Convention and Exhibition 2015, Jakarta Convention Center, Indonesia, 19-21 Augustus, 2015.
Qahhar, M.R.A., Daud, Y., Pratama, S.A., Zarkasyi, A., Sugiyanto, A., Suhanto, E., (2015). “Modeling of Geothermal Reservoir in Lawu Field Using 2-D Inversion of Magnetotelluric Data". Proceedings Indonesia International Geothermal Convention and Exhibition 2015, Jakarta Convention Center, Indonesia, 19-21 Augustus, 2015.
Heditama, D. M., Daud, Y., Nuqramadha, W.A., Wicaksono, R.A., Masri, A., (2015). “Software Development of Spectogram Analysis and Tomography Study of MEQ Data for Delineating Fracture Zone in Geothermal Area". Proceedings Indonesia International Geothermal Convention and Exhibition 2015, Jakarta Convention Center, Indonesia, 19-21 Augustus, 2015.
Suharmanto, P., Fahmi, F., Daud, Y., Zarkasyi, A., Sugiyanto, A., Suhanto, E., (2015). “Delineation of Geothermal System at Prospect Area ‘P’ Using Multi-Dimensional Modeling of Magnetotelluric Data Integrated with Geological and Geochemistry Data". Proceedings Indonesia International Geothermal Convention and Exhibition 2015, Jakarta Convention Center, Indonesia, 19-21 Augustus, 2015.
Daud, Y., Nuqramadha, W.A., Heditama, D.M., Fahmi, F., Pratama, S.A., Hadi, J., (2015). “Identification of Subsurface Geological Structure in a Geothermal System Using MT Imaging Technology". Proceedings World Geothermal Congress 2015, Melbourne, Australia, 19-25 April, 2015.
Daud, Y., Rosid, S., Suparno, S., Heditama, D.M., Nuqramadha, W.A., Fahmi, F., Pratama, S.A., Sulistyo, A., (2015). “Geophysics Field Camp (GFC): A Student Project Aimed to Investigate the Low to Moderate Temperature Geothermal System in Mt.Pancar Area, Bogor (Indonesia)". Proceedings World Geothermal Congress 2015, Melbourne, Australia, 19-25 April, 2015.
Daud, Y., Fahmi, F., Nuqramadha, W.A., Heditama, D.M., Pratama, S.A., Suhanto, E., (2015). “3-Dimensional Inversion of MT Data over the Arjuno-Welirang Volcanic Geothermal System, East Java (Indonesia)". Proceedings World Geothermal Congress 2015, Melbourne, Australia, 19-25 April, 2015.
Heditama, D.M., Agung, L., Amriyah, Q., Nuqramadha, W.A., Pratama, S.A., Saputra, R., Daud, Y. (2012). “3-D Inversion of MT Data Using MT3DInv-X Software". Proceedings 12th Annual Indonesian Geothermal Association Meeting and Conference 2012.
Dewi, R., Heditama, D. M., Rusbianto, A., Daud, Y., (2012). “The Development of Magnetotelluric (MT) Data Processing Using Calculation of the Calibration Process”. Proceedings 12th Annual Indonesian Geothermal Association Meeting and Conference 2012.